Monday, June 29, 2009

oohHHhh... I see!!

You ever have somebody say, "Didn't you notice..." or "Don't you see..." and then have a sudden realization that you did but you didn't, or you did but you just hadn't put it in those terms, or something like that? Well, I went through that process vis-a-vis blogs.

I had never seriously considered doing a blog. I had thoughts of "I can do better than that" or "This guys an idiot, why did someone link to this" or "I'd like someone to see how stupid I think such and such is", but then I saw these blogs with fancy photoshopped pictures and voluminous entries and smart, witty phrasing and such and didn't think I wanted to make that kind of effort to the time it would take. And even though I consider myself smart and somewhat witty, I also know that it doesn't always translate correctly into the written word (I have been misinterpreted a couple-13-14 times**).

**Copyright Dan Cole

But, I received an email from a former coworker, jtperks, who, aside from having a great abbreviated name for a coffee shop, as in Just The Perks, or Java Tollhouse Perks (sells great cookies too!), is also a witty guy himself. He was sending me his blog address (abandoned logic) and I was able to see the primitive beginnings of a blog, i.e. just a couple entries of somewhat random thoughts. Not a grand scheme per se, not a look how many different ways one can apply '80s movie montages to cheese factories, not dozens of entries showing how prolific he was at spending time on posting instead of personal hygiene.

Just putting a few brain turns into words.

And, after seeing a button in the upper corner labeled "Create Blog", I thought, "Huh. I could do that and see where it leads." It's not like the president or pope is gonna read it or anything. (Well, I guess I shouldn't miss the first political poke: At least this president CAN read!) Heck, if I never tell anyone, then it's just for me.

So, I did. And now I have this thing to create and monkey with and some ideas for future postings and so far it's pretty fun and hopefully somebody will at least come back once to see what else is here. Probably just my sisters. (Not that that's bad, I'm not saying, I'm just sayin'...)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Return of Crofft

I normally read every day and they have a section called Extra Mustard which contains a page called Hot Clicks. Usually, the headline pic is one of a hot woman, be it sportsbabe (the overrated Erin Andrews is among their faves), WAG, model (especially as in SI swimsuit, of course) or random in-the-news hottie. One of their favorites is Adriana Lima. She is put up as a hot model as well as a how-did-this-goofy-looking-dude-get-her!! entrant (She happens to be married to Marko Jaric the basketball player). Ever since I first saw her, I thought there was something wrong with her. Just a funny feeling that I didn't care for her face somehow. There is a certain exoticness certainly, but something was off.

Then one day months later it came to me in a fit of cathartic release... Chaka!!!!!

The bonus was that when I googled Chaka I found this wonderful pic.

Now, I don't mean to say she's dead-ugly or anything, and I've seen some pics where she looks quite good. But her normal Blue Steel pose is gap-mouthed and botoxed and it just doesn't work for me. I was tres glad to figure out her doppelganger, leaves my brain to think on other things when her pic comes up.

Speaking of Erin Andrews, this is a common photo that her fans use to show how hot she is. Can anyone else say "G'day, Mrs. Sasquatch??" (If that confuses you, look up the Bigfoot video, which was wonderfully parodied in Elf) Lucky for her she has ridiculously long arms in order to counterbalance her top-heaviness, elsewise she'd fall over onto whomever she was interviewing. Again, doesn't do it for me.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

The beginning of something edible?

From Wikipedia:
Lorentzian wormholes known as Schwarzschild wormholes or Einstein-Rosen bridges are bridges between areas of space that can be modeled as vacuum solutions to the Einstein field equations by combining models of a black hole and a white hole. This solution was discovered by Albert Einstein and his colleague Nathan Rosen, who first published the result in 1935. However, in 1962 John A. Wheeler and Robert W. Fuller published a paper showing that this type of wormhole is unstable, and that it will pinch off instantly as soon as it forms, preventing even light from making it through.

I find this blog title appropriate (or at least relevant) due to three things:
1. Note "vacuum solutions" above. These are solutions of field equations in which the sources of the field are taken to be identically zero. Or in my case, possibly the sources of my thoughts are zero, since I often graze dreamily within my own mind.
2. Also note "unstable" and "pinch off instantly". Have you ever began a thought and then realized it wasn't you thinking it? I have.
3. It is referenced in Blue Oyster Cult's Heavy Metal: The Black and Silver (i'm not sure why these pages show up as one word per line), one of the greatest bands of all time (please ignore the last couple albums, their main collaborator changed).

So, already I have referenced Sabbath and BOC, so I'm feeling pretty good. Also got a bunch of math stuff in.

Of course, this one was pretty easy. I'll see if I can get any more lucid paragraphs on here before I share it. :)